A family member who studies in the US and becomes resident after college, for example, or a family that has established a limited liability company to manage its US assets, are among those whose family office is required to register. 假设一名家族成员在美国读书,毕业后在美国定居,或者一个家族成立了一家有限责任公司来管理在美国的资产,那么他们的家族理财室按照规定都必须登记。
Tax in respect of liaison, negotiation or intermediary services rendered by a resident representative office shall, if the amount of the Commission is specified clearly in the contract, be calculated and imposed on the amount specified in the contract; 常驻代表机构从事联络洽谈、居间介绍所收取的佣金,在合同中载明佣金金额的,按合同规定的金额计算征税;
A company is deemed to be tax resident in New Zealand if incorporated in New Zealand with its head office and centre of management and control in New Zealand. 公司如果在纽西兰注册登记,总部及管理和控制中心地在纽西兰,则被视作税务居民。
Foreign Enterprise refers to Foreign Enterprise Resident Representative Office or Foreign-invested enterprise which can do productive activities in china. 外国(地区)企业:是指外国企业常驻代表机构以及在中国境内从事生产活动的外国企业。
The credentials and brief biographies of the members of the resident office appointed by that enterprise. 该企业委任常驻代表机构人员的授权书和各该人员的简历。
In case where the term of residence approved for a resident office expires, the document of approval for renewal issued by the same authorities must also be submitted at the time of renewing the registration and a form for renewal shall be filled out. 如果批准机关批准的驻在期限届满,还须提交原批准机关的延期批准证件,填写延期登记表。
Shanghai Resident Audit Office 上海审计特派员办事处
A business report of the resident representative office during the last residence period; Effectiveness of Internal Control Mechanism for Subsidiary Company and its CFO: on Principal-Agent Perspective 该企业常驻代表机构前一个驻在期内的业务活动报告;派驻财务总监与企业集团内控的实施&基于代理理论的视角
Enterprises or their resident offices that have not been registered and have not obtained the relevant certificates shall not be allowed to go into operation or carry out resident office activities. 未经登记并领取有关证件的,不准开业或开展常驻代表机构的业务活动。
US resident co-investors in a family-owned company run through the office may also force it to register. 一个通过理财办公室经营的家族企业若有共同投资者在美国定居,也可能迫使该理财办公室进行登记。
A duplicate certificate of approval and a certificate of registration of the resident representative office; 该企业常驻代表机构的批准证书及登记证复印件;
Roger C.Peng is a Partner in the Business and Finance Group of Hogan& Hartson, resident in the firm's Beijing office. 彭川律师是霍金·豪森律师事务所的商务及金融业务组的合伙人,常驻该所的北京办事处。
Most resident support a total ban of smoking in school, hospital, and office. However, there are relatively less supports for total ban smoking in entertainment venues such as restaurants and bars. 多数居民对于学校、医院、办公室采取全面禁烟表示支持,而对于餐厅、酒吧等娱乐性行业的禁烟支持相对较少。